Game Review – Medal of Honor Airborne

I have decided to start reviewing video games on my blog, heaven knows I play enough of them. I would like to think I am sort of an aficionado of video games. I won’t play any old shit, I’m not into niche games or cutesy stuff. “Hello fluffy Bubble kittens” …

You decide.

I seem to be writing a lot about police and their actions, and perhaps it isn’t always fait to judge. For example CBC reports two cops in Calgary have been cleared of criminal charges stemming from an arrest incident. You can watch the video and decide for youself. The problem …

Cops hurt themselves with tasers

The National Post has an interesting article on tasers and the various lawsuits against the company that manufactures them, Taser International. A former employee, Pam Schreiner, claims that Taser has harrassed and intimidated her into silence over her witnessing Taser officials shredding incriminating court documents regarding the safety of their …

That new car syndrome.

Have you ever noticed when you buy a new car, or hat, or bike, that you begin to notice it everywhere. Sometimes you see it in the media. Like I remember a whole rash of “pitbull” stories. You know the sort, “Child horribly maulled by vicious dog” etc, etc. The …

RCMP warned against lax use of taser

CBC reported today that Paul Kennedy, a former prosecutor reviewed the RCMPs taser policy four months before the death of Robert Dziekanski. Mr. kennedy had concluded that the force was “too casual” with it’s use of the stun gun. Mr. Kennedy has been given a mandate to examine the use …