Tag: <span>business</span>

Surprise and Delight

“Surprise and delight” is a phrase often tossed around in business meetings. “We need to surprise and delight our customers!” senior managers cry out! “We need to provide them with unexpected rewards and promote customer loyalty!” No. You don’t. You need to solve a problem for your customer. That’s it. …

The business of art

I came across an article in my news feed from artnet.com regarding artist’s contracts and resale royalties. In it it describes how an artist added a clause to the sale of his art that stated royalties were to be paid to a charity if the work was resold. It also …

Thoughts on corporations

I wrote this ages ago, but for whatever reason I never I published it, it seems half finished but reading it I think it is still valid. _____________________________________________________ I have been thinking a lot about corporations lately.  I went to an Accenture Christmas party at the ROM on the weekend …

It’s always prime time

A co-worker Mark and I were discussing the changes going on in the various media industries of late.  First the recording industry is taking a thrashing with groups like Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails releasing albums online and giving the record labels pinks slips.  They, the recording industry, are now attempting …

It’s always prime time

A co-worker Mark and I were discussing the changes going on in the various media industries of late.  First the recording industry is taking a thrashing with groups like Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails releasing albums online and giving the record labels pinks slips.  They, the recording industry, are now attempting …