The need to riot

“A riot is the language of the unheard.” ~Martin Luther King America is in the middle of a very painful transition. Growth of any kind is painful. And it isn’t the change itself that causes the pain, but rather the resistance to change. While it is easy and understandable to …

Nice site, hope he’s not gay

There is a new website, produced by (or so I have been told) by Mighty promoting organ donation While I like the site, it is visually interesting and just gruesome enough to captivate I can’t help but feel a little pissed off.  Once again they start whining about organ donations …

A letter to himself

Stephen Fry wrote a letter to his older self when he was 16.  Now considerably older he has responded with a touching letter back.  I know I have written letters to my older self,  although I have no idea where those letters are perhaps it is time I responded too.  …