Dave Hamel's Website


I realized I have no blogroll or links page and there are a ton of links I visit all the time, but don’t blog about.  I will begin adding them here.

Blog Roll
www.magicketchup.com – Victor Wong’s personal site and portfolio. Brilliant illustration and some Chinese posts I can’t read. LOL.
www.thickslab.com – Another bear’s personal blog about life in Toronto, gay sex, and the TTC.
http://freelanceswitch.com – While I don’t freelance I like the design of this site and it has lots of useful information.
http://consumerist.com – Looking for a deal?  This blog has ’em.  As well as consumer tips
http://www.asofterworld.com – hilarious photo web comics.
http://www.sinfest.net – Another great web comic about God and life and junk.

http://www.alistapart.com/ – Great resource for anyone who develops websites
http://www.cssbeauty.com/ – CSS Beauty showcases designers work and serves as inspiration for those looking to build CSS based websites.
http://www.csszengarden.com/ – A demonstration of what can be accomplished visually through CSS-based design.

Cool stuff
http://www.kiva.org/ – Make a loan to an entrepreneur in the developing world for as little as $25.  Kiva is the world’s first online lending platform connecting online lenders to entrepreneurs across the globe.

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