Late nights and early mornings.

I am typing this at 2:30 in the morning on day 2 of usability testing. Basically wee have a bunch of people on the other side of the planet testing a website while we monitor their progress through a variety of technologies. Matt is sleeping on a beanbag. Poor guy hasn’t slept much the past couple of weeks.

Last nights tests began at 4:00 AM. I was up at 2:30 AM after a full day. Usability is a funny thing. Making something complex is easy. Making something simple is much, much harder. Especially at 4:00 AM. Which reminds me of this great TED talk.


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  1. Hang in there Hamel!!!

    Great TED presentation. 🙂

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  2. Mark

    This speech is *so* your brain on oxygen.

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