About time

I finally ponied up and bought the pro account for flickr.  The feed is on the left.  I know what I am doing this weekend!

Shame on you.

My collegue and I were chuckling at the state of affairs in the US right now.  Eliot Spitzer is about to get crucified and I can say, with a little bit of schadenfreude, is I am glad.  The self-righteous are always fun to watch fall. The part that kills me is …

We’ll miss you Gary.

Gary Gygax recently passed away.  For those who don’t know Gary Gygax, he invented Dungeons & Dragons.  I read his books from cover to cover, and spent many hours playing with Curtis, Kevin, Bonnie. I am pretty sure I owned this copy of the book too. Following the announcement of his death and as a …

Excuse me while I climb up on my soapbox.

I just had to comment on this article in the New York Times magazine about Facebook and blood donation. I have real mixed feelings about this. While I would like to support blood donation, I can’t – I’m gay. I can’t contribute to this, because some policy maker decided that …

Don’t buy that upgrade!

I recently upgraded two pieces of software. One was Norton the other iTunes. In both cases I got bit in the ass for it. In the case of Norton I forgot rule #1. Never, ever buy software the first year it comes out. The reason is because it takes at …

No more laws (and lawsuits)

Canadians like to think that the rest of the world sees them as nice people. The reality is the rest of the world see us as sheep, nice sheep, but sheep. You want to really piss a Canadian off? Budge in front of them in a queue.  Canadians like laws, …