No more laws (and lawsuits)

Canadians like to think that the rest of the world sees them as nice people. The reality is the rest of the world see us as sheep, nice sheep, but sheep. You want to really piss a Canadian off? Budge in front of them in a queue.  Canadians like laws, they like order and as a result they line up well. People who break the rules are seen as causing disorder and therefore are “rude” – which is a pretty big insult for a Canadian.

While this is all fine and good, it hurts us in a competitive world and causes us to make ridiculous laws. If you want to see what I mean, get onto the subway in Toronto at rush hour and look at the nationalities of the people who have a seat. They are mostly immigrants. That is because in their home country, if you don’t rush for the seat, you don’t get one. When I was in China, I never lined up once, I pushed to the front like the other people.  If I didn’t I would still be standing in Datong waiting to buy a train ticket.  This love of order causes Canadians to enact well-meaning, but stupid laws.

Take the new law Ontario is thinking about implementing. Ontario is going to ban smoking in cars carrying children.  Anyone with common sense will agree that you shouldn’t smoke if there are children in the car – it is bad for them, duh. But making law about it is as intelligent as a bag of hammers. How does anyone expect to enforce this law? Are police going to man the side of the road and look for smokers with car seats?

Sure the police could ticket people who, while getting stopped for some other infraction, happen to be smoking with a child in the car, but couldn’t the money wasted to enact this stupid piece of legislation be better spent on education?

Canadian politicians need something better to do than make more, good-intentioned, non-enforcable law. Canada already has too many rules. If you doubt it, walk onto any city intersection and count the number of signs telling you what you can and cannot do.

When I was in Turkey I went to this 400 year old ruined monastery high up on this cliff.  If you went over the edge you would fall about 200 feet before smashing on the rocks bellow.  There were no guard rails, just one simple sign when you came in telling you to be careful. If you fell, that was too bad, they warned you.

In Canada we would have a guard rail, a guard, and signs warning you about the drop, the rail and the guard. We have gone so far that we now have warnings on hairdryers that tell you to not use in the shower. What kind of fucking retard uses the hairdryer in the shower? If someone is stupid enough to try and they die, then it’s just a little chlorine in the gene pool.  Hell there is even a whole book series called the Darwin awards about stupid people dying.

The warning is because some asshole lawyer made a case out of it and some idiot judge, who used be an asshole lawyer, said “Ya, why isn’t there a warning?” And so the warning label was created to prevent future lawsuits against hairdryer manufacturers. This continues with other idiot warnings. Check out some other lawsuits like this xarelto class action.

‘External use only’ and ‘Product can burn eyes’ – A curling iron.
‘Do not eat toner’ – On a toner cartridge for a printer.
‘Not intended for use as a dental drill’ – On a power drill.

Every one of these warnings is because of an idiot with an asshole lawyer.  Enough is enough.

Too many laws…too many lawsuits.

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  1. I totally agree about the smoking ban. As a new father, nothing infuriates me more than seeing some irresponsible ass smoking with his little girl in the passenger seat looking out the window in the middle of winter (true story).

    In retrospect and if I had the balls at that particular point in time, I’d have let him have it.

    Nonetheless… it’s now likely to become a law and if the government and Police can’t enforce many of our most basic laws, how can they expect to enforce this one…?

    Maybe it’s a step at least in the right direction? Not too sure…

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  2. admin

    I agree. I am going to write a post on public shaming once I figure it all out in my head. It stems from this incident where this woman’s dog pooped on the subway, refused to clean it up and someone captured it on their cellphone.

    They then posted it on youtube or something like that. You can easily imagine the hub-bub.

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