Hardship is better when shared

Hardship is better when shared

At Wawa there is really only one campsite. Which is a good thing because I met Justine again. I convinced her that we needed to ride together to Pancake Bay. There really isn’t anything in between the two points except a huge provincial park. It was a 150km and it was probably a little more than she normally rode but I took the lead for most of the day which allowed her to draft off of me. On the downhills I was a bit faster but she was a real trooper. She had a great shirt that read, “My strength lies solely in my tenacity” and it was true!

We stopped once at the park headquarters for brief breather and to down some pop and power bars. I eat a lot of crap, chocolate bars and stuff but still the weight comes off. I decided pretty early on that I was allowed to eat whatever I wanted because I had a hard time consuming enough calories to keep the engine running.

After we exited the park we kept pushing on to Montreal River, which was the next town marked on my map. Justine wondered if it was so named because some voyageur was severly lost or homesick. Coming into Montreal river there is a hill that rivals anything in the Rockies. At 7% it is absolutely breathless to come down, and I imagine murder to go up!

We stopped for lunch at the only diner/gas station/store/LCBO in town. Actually it was the only thing in the entire area! We ate lunch about 2 which was about an hour late. The body becomes slow to recover if there is a calorie deficite.

We pushed on to Pancake bay arriving around 5 after a few more hills. Riding with someone made it much more enjoyable, but the pace I set was a bit much for Justine and I was too stupid to slow down so the next day we would seperate.

Distance: 149km
Ave: 20.1km
Time: 7:38
Max: 58.7 km

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