Morning commute

Today was “Ride your bike to work” day, which for me is like every other weekday, except that I rode in with a large group of cyclist taking over a whole lane.  It was wonderful.  There is something liberating and comforting about having such a large group of  cyclists together. …

An easy case for more bike lanes

Cycling can be a dangerous endeavor, but not because there is anything inherently dangerous in cycling but because of the environment you are in.  Distracted drivers are the most dangerous issue simply because in an argument between a car and a cyclist the cyclist will loose every time. Today there was a tragic case-in-point when …

TTC streetcars

So I crashed by bike yesterday. Normally that is no big deal, but I did it while riding along Queen St. East attempting to turn left. Now if this has ever happened to you, you know there is little time to react. One minute you’re spinning along and the next …

Intending to ride

So I am planning another cross-country attempt this summer.  This time I will ride from East to West so that I finish in Victoria.  There are some advantages to this.  First, my family will be at the finish.  They live in Victoria so I presume they will come out, secondly …