Cocina Lucero – Disappointing!

Zuimei and I went to Cocina Lucero for dinner last night and we were very dissappointed. We had seen the show Restaurant Makeover and thought it might be fun to try one of the places on the show.  Instead what I realized is there is a reason these places need a …

The joy of creativity

Where does creativity come from?  I often look at people who are creative and wonder where they get it from.  I think of myself as creative.  But if asked where I get it from I probably couldn’t answer. Sir Ken Robinson, would suggest that all children are creative and that …

I miss her everyday

May 28th is a tough day for me.  My mother, after a long battle with cancer, died on this day in 1999. She never got to see the new millenium, and today is the 10 year anniversary of her passing. Three years ago, when I was riding across the prairies I …

TTC streetcars

So I crashed by bike yesterday. Normally that is no big deal, but I did it while riding along Queen St. East attempting to turn left. Now if this has ever happened to you, you know there is little time to react. One minute you’re spinning along and the next …