Why I am betting on Millenials

Millennials get a bad wrap. Apparently when they aren’t killing the housing market, the diamond market, and Hooters; they’re making avocado toast. They are the topic of much conjecture and study because economists and marketers don’t understand them.  What motivates them? How can we get them to buy our product?  How …

On Toronto Gun Control

Doug Ford opposes ban on handgun sales in Toronto. No surprise there.  He represents the right-wing neo-conservative movement we’ve seen in the states. City Council made the request of the feds and provincial governments and it passed 41 to 4.  The usual suspects opposed: Michael Ford (DoFo’s nephew), Giorgio  Mammoliti …

The time my mother almost died

So I am three sheets to the wind as they say as I write this.  Listening to Anthony and the Johnsons sing “If it be you will” so take that as you may. I had a conversation with my coworker and dear friend Himani about death and fate.  She lost …