Je suis Charlie, Je ne ai pas peur

Je suis Charlie, Je ne ai pas peur

Charlie Hebdo published it’s cover amid  world wide attention, and it’s largest run ever – a million copies. The cover depicting Mohammad with the phrase “All is forgiven” shows the French resistance to anything smacking of tyranny.

BN-GK083_Charli_JV_20150112182529Canadian publications including the Star, the Globe and Mail and the CBC have refused to show or republish the cover. The reasons for this reticence is varied but all equally cowardly. While many support Charlie Hebdo they have no desire to become the next one. 

Many have stated staff safety as their priority. Some have stated they can support CH without having to publish the comics. And the weakest of the lot have used the excuse they don’t want to publish material some people may find offensive.

These arguments while understandable are weak hearted.  It is reminiscent of Chamberlain’s appeasement of the Nazi. The fear of violence is so strong that we’d rather give up a fundamental right and rationalize that fear than risk physical harm.

The extremists claim it is revenge for the prophet or some such nonsense. Like their religion is so fragile a cartoon could shatter the whole thing.  By extension they claim “don’t publish this and we won’t have a reason to kill you.”  But that is only for now.

Extremists will find any reason to impose their own crazy version of Islam on the world.  Yesterday it was comics, tomorrow it will be something else;  music, television, internet, the color blue. Who knows,  they’re insane. Which is all the more reason to not give in to their demands.

Their violent brand of Islam doesn’t mean we should capitulate, rather quite the opposite.  Muslims, or anyone for that matter has the right to be offended by the cartoons. People can get offended by anything they like. But that doesn’t mean we have to care, agree or even respect their indignation. Offense is taken, not given.

Every publication in the world should say  “No.  You don’t dictate what we publish and such ridiculous violence will be counter-productive.”  Yes, some people may die because of it.  I may die for republishing the cover. They may attack other newspapers, or bloggers, or T.V. station but you know what? They are going to attack someone anyway.  They are extremists,  that is all they can do.

George Washington said, “If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”

I don’t know about you, but if I am to be led to the slaughter,  I want it to be kicking and screaming.

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