last weekend of summer

I am sitting in a Starbucks on Spadina mostly to get out of the heat.  I wore jeans today and that was a mistake.  They don’t fit very well and my balls are sticking to my leg. I am sitting here reading a Douglas Coupland book I picked up at …

Second Surgery

So I survived getting hit by a bus. And while I survived I was not left without residual effects.  I had a constant ache in my shoulder what became more severe with use.  This was due to the massive amounts of bone that needed to be cleaned out, which resulted in …

What about future Toronto

Rob Ford is spouting a new soundbite, “saved a billion dollars”.  Anyone who bothers to look at the numbers will quickly see that isn’t true, and even if it was true he’s selling Toronto’s future short.  I could tell Torontonians, “Elect me and you will not pay another cent of …