This will be a rambling post. it doesn’t really have a message or purpose other than a way for me to get my thoughts down.

This is what my soup-strainer ended up looking like.
I had a successful Movember campaign. I managed to raise almost $700.00 which was a lot more than I expected and the most I have ever raised.
I was surprised by some of the people who supported it. Not that I don’t think they aren’t generous but that their connection to me is perhaps tenuous, or not that personally strong. They were some of the most generous people. I was very touched. Especially since Movember has taken on a whole new meaning now.
I have also been reading more at the moment and listening to podcasts as a way of making the most of my commute. I listen to a variety of things, mostly Tangentially speaking and the Duncan Trussell Family Hour. I enjoy the ones where it is a deep, interesting discussion about what the guest has realized over the course of their lives or something like that. Some of my favorites include a conversation with dominatrix, Mistress Kaila Yi and one with Reid Mihalko.
Some of the DTFH ones are just two stoned guys talking about how awesome pot is (listening to you Joe Rogan) which isn’t really of interest of me. I have however started this list of things I need to read or listen to. I have started reading the Bhagavad Gita, which is sort of like the religious text for Hindus. I am still in the preface and trying to understand the whole backstory.
The thing I like about these podcasts is they make you reflect on your own life, and your own conditioning. Things you just assumed were universal truths, like monogamy. If you haven’t read Sex at Dawn I highly recommend it. It’s smart, funny and honestly pretty convincing.
Zuimei opened his newest restaurant called, wait for it, TOUHENBOKU! He is consistent if nothing else. It’s just sushi at the moment but it is so good. I am not sure it is as good as Yuzu, but the value/cost ratio is much better and I think the food will only improve.
I got into an online discussion with someone regarding the Toronto election. I was bemoaning the fact that yet again a rich, white man won. They took offense and claimed the best man one. I pointed out that that was statistically impossible. In a city as diverse as ours is, why was City council so white. If women make up 50% of the population, why have there only been two female mayors but 63 male?
Not to mention that by that logic then George Bush was the best man and Rob Ford was the best man. Obviously they were not. This week Now Magazine came to the same conclusion I had.
Here are some random images of rock stars cross-dressing. Ramble on.