So now what?

Now that the hubub over Rob Ford is dying down Toronto needs to start thinking about what happens next. Rob mentions he will fight the ruling “tooth and nail”.

He has also mentioned he will try to run in a by-election, although the city lawyer believes he may not be eligible until 2014.

If there was a by-election in a month two potential front runners would be Adam Vaughan and Olivia chow.

Adam Vaughan is the councillor for Ward 20 Trinity-Spadina and has been involved in politics for about 20 years. The best clip I have seen of Adam and his particular brand of politics is in this clip of him discussing privatization with KPMG after Toronto looked at the privatization of TTC streetcars

His biggest opponent and coincidentally his predecessor for Ward 20 councillor is Olivia Chow, wife of the late Jack Layton leader of the NDP. Olivia is currently the MP for the Trinity-Spadina area. She has lots of experience in Toronto politics. Here is a clip of her speaking out for equal marriage (love the fact Jack is sitting in front of her).

Toronto needs to pick itself up, dust itself off, and try to make up those lost two years when Rob Ford was our mayor. We need to learn from the mistake of putting too much stock in the sound clip “gravy train!” and realize that respect for tax payers should not come at the cost of self respect.

Toronto needs to elect a mayor who loves Toronto. Who loves ALL of Toronto not just parts of it; loves Chinatown, and little Italy, loves Danforth and the Beach, loves Markham and Scarborough. We need a mayor who appreciates the suburbs and the urban areas and wants to see Toronto move forward towards the unique city it is and can become.

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