What would you do?

What would you do?

Someone suggested at the CBC that they would be willing to give up a days paid leave to help save jobs.

What would you be willing to give up, or do to save a co-workers job?

When I originally posted this question it was because of something someone had said at the presenation at the CBC today.  Luckily someone captured it and here it is:

Q. from John, Digital Archives: Out of crisis can come ingenuity, and I think we’re about to cross the Rubicon. I kind of felt for you and the management team in yesterday’s broadcast. I understand and appreciate the trouble you went through. But we need your help, and we’re in this together, and this is a time for solidarity as much as it is for divisiveness and anger. (Applause.) The question becomes: What are we all prepared to do? I’m going to give up one day a month of unpaid leave for a year if we can work it out. Many I’ve talked to are willing to do the same. Save jobs, save money, maintain the quality of show we’re accustomed to such as Marketplace and Fifth Estate. Take this information to the prime minister, the minister of finance, and the minister of heritage.

Maybe the question I should be asking is, What would you do to save the CBC?

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