Privacy? What privacy?

Jim Sterne just posted on the WAA blog about privacy and disclosure. While I agree with him and Seth Godin that you need to get users to opt-in to recieving email, I don’t think the same holds true with web metrics provided they are anonymous. Yahoo is requiring and enforing …

Funny reactions and a data driven life

A few friends had funny reactions to this survey I put up.  Judging from some of the reactions, you’d think I was asking them to rate themselves instead of me.  Maybe they feel bad by association.  Boy I hope not. I think part of the reluctance is because, as one person put …

Off feeling

I am always struck by the feeling that something isn’t quite right on November 11th.   I think it is the polishing of medals and marching of old men that leaves a bad taste.  There should not be a glorification of the military or war of any sort.  Rather we should …

England isn’t slowly becoming an Orwellian society

They are running towards it full tilt! here are some posters from the U.K.  It is my understanding that if you have a TV in England you have to pay a yearly fee for the BBC, regardless of whether you watch it or not and hence the “you cannot hide” motif.  …

Elections in U.S. are messed

You wouldn’t think it is so hard to make a voting simple but apparently it is. And apparently the US is fucking it up again.  Remember the whole chad incident? Now they are getting ready to fuck it up with video voting! So… who do you think is going to …