Sharing Ideas

Following Seth Godin’s adviceI will share one of the ideas I had for a business.  I have shared it with others, after making them sign NDA’s which was really stupid.  I should have just shared.  If they run off with the idea and make a million dollars then good for them.  Ideas are easy to come by, they are hard to see to fruition.

So, My big idea is…Greeting Cards.

I know, I know, it isn’t anything new, but change the business model and it becomes quite exciting.

The idea came when looking at Threadless.  Threadless is one of the many online t-shirt shops.  The difference is that designers submit their designs and the audience, potential customers, vote on them.  The most popular designs go on to get printed into shirts.  The great thing about this business model is that through the voting process you ensure there is a consumer base for your product.  You won’t end up making the shirts that no one likes.

I was thinking about a similar process for cards.  Greeting cards is a multi-billion dollar industry.  Bought one recently?  Here in Canada they cost between 3 and 6 dollars!  For a folded piece of paper! If you look at the card rack at the pharmacy there are hundreds that are not funny, inspiring or well made.

If you took a similar model to Threadless that allowed the audience  to participate, submit and vote on designs as well as allow users to pick the single cards they like then it becomes a lot more engaging.

People could order 12 of the same card for a discount or choose 12 different cards with duplicates if they wanted.  It ensures people get the cards they want, and if you can come up with on demand printing it will ensure that nothing gets wasted.

So take this idea if you want, make a million dollars if you can. But send me a thank you card when you do.

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