
I turned 35 on Monday.  Same day as Thanksgiving.  My father said, “So now you’re middle aged.”  I laughed and said, “A-ha you have middle-aged children.”   I don’t feel middle aged, not that I know what it is supposed to feel like, but I assumed I wouldn’t get zits anymore, …

Electoral system needs an overhaul

The election results in Canada were a big disappointment, and what is painfully obvious is the need to overhaul our electoral system. The Conservatives only had 37.63% of the popular vote and ended up with 143 seats. The Liberals had 26.24% of the popular vote but only for 76 seats. …

The banking industry needs to evolve

Every industry evolves.  It evolves or it dies.  In the music industry records evolved into cassettes, cassettes into CDs, and now CDs into mp3s. In the communications industry wireless gave way to radio, radio to T.V., and now the T.V. is giving way to the Internet. While these industries have had mutated offspring, Beta …

The undecided

If you’re like me you have a hard time deciding who to vote for.  The Conservative are obviously a no-go for me, but I am torn between the Green Party, the Liberals and the NDP.  (I don’t think the Bloc count as a federal party personally.)Luckily a friend twittered this link. …