Scarey thought

What if this “financial crisis” was planned?

Before you think I am crazy think of this.  Big banks help GWB get elected, in return he says he will pay them back.  His term is coming to an end, he doesn’t care about public opinion so he and his cronies figure, “let’s create a crisis that nets our big bank friends some money.” This probably occured at the beginning of his second term.  So they get together and brainstorm the best crisis to create.  Ta-da the mortgage crisis is born.

Apparently banks were going to people who had already paid off their homes and convincing them to get new mortgages. “Send your kids to college, buy a cottage, take a vacation.”  Now those folks are paying dearly.  There are also allegations of banks knowingly giving mortgages to illegals.

They start giving loans to people they know damn well can’t pay it back and BANG! 700 billion dollar bail out.

In Canada Stephen Harper has changed what was a surplus into a deficit. Why? So he can begin making cuts to those things he is opposed to, like the arts. Community groups are also feeling the crunch. Meanwhile he’s handing tax cuts to polluting oil companies because the support his neo-con right wing religious agenda. Won’t be long before we are in the same boat as the US.

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