Been busy

I have been too busy as of late to write much.  I was in NYC working on a usability test with a client and then working on writing up the report.  I learned a few valuable lessions.  When you are attempting to solicite information on how users “feel” in regards to a design ask them what words they would use to describe the design.  If you ask “What are your impressions” they will glom onto things on the page. Otherwise you will get something like: “Well this says i can click here to see all of the newest videos that is good.”

When what you were really after was: “This page is warm and inviting, I feel like I could spend the whole day here.”

Also, if you are in the dark room behind the mirror, sit down and shut up.  Guaranteed someone is trying to hear what the participant is saying and the people doing the test can hear you.  That glass is not as sound proof as you think it is.  Also stay in the room once testing starts and don’t leave until it is over.  Any light and the users will see you.

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