Some days I really HATE this country. I really do. I wish I could seize power and throttle it into some common sense. The Federal government has moved to block the release of a refugee claimant who claims he has killed four people. This is a good thing.
However, They had to because the immigration and refugee board decided to release Jose Francisco Cardoza Quinteros. Apparently he found Jesus.
Daphne Shaw Dyck, one of the refugee board members wrote in the ruling that he probably didn’t kill anyone.
Is she fucking retarded?
I don’t care if he “probably” did or not. Why the hell would you allow someone either that evil or that stupid into the country? If he did kill four people, there are four families who deserve justice. If he didn’t and made it up on his claim, then he is stupid and will not contribute to Canadian society and should be rejected.
“It is transparently obvious that he invented responses as time passed,” she says in her decision. “Accordingly, I do not find his eventual admission after being asked over and over again about killing rival gang members in El Salvador to be credible.”
She even admits that he poses a risk to offend while in Canada. Immigration should be about the people already here in the country and how new-comers will fit in and add to the richness of our collective culture, not about helping people find Jesus.