Village people

So a few of us went to our company party dressed as the Village People.  Personally I felt I should have been going to the Black Eagle.

The event was fun but one thing I find really difficult is being in a room with loud music.  I suppose I am just getting old, or maybe it’s because I am already deaf in one ear, but I find that if I have to shout to hold a conversation, I would rather not.

As a result I left the party fairly early.  I always leave early.  When I was a kid my family was always the first to leave and I remember asking my folks why they always did that.  My father’s reply was, “You should always leave the party while you are still having fun, and that way you have nothing but good memories of it.”  Which sort of makes sense.

The office was half empty today with most people either too hung over to make it in or presumably still drunk!

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