Cloverfield: Post 911 Blair Witch

The problem with copying a stylistic feature of another film is that forever more you will be compare to that film.  So the move by Cloverfield to utilize the shaky hand-held camera technique that made the Blair Witch such a hit was a gutsy move.  However it wasn’t big on plot, which while more realistic made me want to know more.  I hope they don’t make a sequel however, since that would ruin it.

Blair Witch Project had this crazy internet hype about this supposedly “found” video long before the movie was actually released.  While Cloverfield uses the same “found tape” idea, it lacked the same crazy hype.  The other big difference is in Cloverfield we actually see the monster, where in BWP it remained a mystery and that much more scarey.

I’m not even going to bother to describe the monster, except to say it was okay. I overheard someone in the theatre on the way out mention seeing it drop into the water during one of the scenes of the couple on Coney Island.  So if you read this before seeing it, keep an eye out for it.

The 911 references are unmistakeable with the same billowing dust and smoke we all remember, the “it came out of nowhere” idea.  The complete ineffectiveness of the military…

All in all I thought the film was good.  Made me jump a few times, kept me interested and made me want more.  Cloverfield isn’t so much about the story, as it is about the way the story is told.

Oh ya… It has a very Chinese ending.  Think of how Chinese films usually end and you will know how this one ends.

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