Cool Stuff

Sometimes the best sites I come across are not really websites in a conventional sense. They are not designed to sell something, or provide any factual information per se. They are more…experiments. They are little pieces of artwork that are stunning not only for their design aethetics but also for …

Proper launch procedure

Recently one of the clients I work on had a major launch. This was a project months in the making and is making a major difference in their customer behavior. What I found disturbing was the fact that they launched it at noon mid-week. One of the things to consider …

Web Analytics are freakin’ awesome.

Web analytics are awesome. They cut through all the crap, all the emotion and get down to the nitty-gritty of things. It doesn’t matter if the CEO’s wife really likes the color pink, or that the director of web services feels drop-down menus are bad fung shui, if you have …

Differences in design

Not that long ago my team at work was tasked with creating a new homepage for our client. In true team fashion we were allowed our input as to the problems and solutions to the current home page. Now I work as a web developer so my input was mostly …


There are several books I keep on my desk at work. Some are about interaction and usability, one on coding and one for design and planning (with emphasis on the planning). I think part of having a well-rounded skill set is having a well-rounded library. The Zen of CSS Design …

Yoshirolla Kilomantra update

So the Yoshirolla Kilomantra contest continues. I am in third place. My top spot in Google was overthrown by Joe Dee and Geoff Sowrey, both of whom have long standing blogs they basically made into their yoshirolla kilomantra entries. So at the moment I am: 4th on Google 6th on …