What the fuck? Where is the justice?

What the fuck? Where is the justice?

In a total cluster fuck of a situation, coroner’s jury has ruled the shooting death of John Seguin, 37, killed by Victoria police as a homicide. He died last February after a pursuit by three police officers, in which 12 shots were fired and he was hit by two.

However, last month, the three officers involved in Seguin’s death were cleared by Crown counsel of any criminal wrongdoing. They returned to active duty not long after the incident.

See, in Canada you really can get away with murder!

In other related news, police are attempting to defend themselves for lying about Robert Dziekanski death in which they stated he was throwing chairs and that his tasering was a “one-shot deal”. The great thing is that police are “under no obligation to talk to the investigators.” Funny that civilians do not have those same rights. Murderers. period.

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