The fight for democracy…for whatever that is worth.

Pakistan is in the throws of a democratic upheaval. The military coup which has been in power for years is now promising to allow elections, but arresting opposition members. Benazir Bhutto has started to rally opposition in a coordinated movement with a single rallying point, the restoration of democracy.

Meanwhile here in North America, news of Kanye West’s mother dying while having cosmetic surgery trumps all others as the most emailed story of the day.

Ya that’s right. In the land of “freedom” and “liberty” the uneducated, uncaring, unaware masses are more interested in what happened to some relative of a rock star then what is really going on in their own country. Meanwhile their government is spending billions on the war in Iraq. It makes me question if democracy is really the best system after all. I think it was Winston Churchill who said “Democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.”

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