I should stay off the internet

I know for a fact that all medical professionals lie.

Ever heard a nurse or doctor say, “this won’t hurt a bit” or “you might feel a slight pinch”, they’re lying.  They do this for two reasons one, studies have shown that patients who hear this actually report less pain. Two, no one wants to hear “this is going to hurt like a mother-fucker.”   I also know from experience that it is better you breathe as well,rather than hold your breath when they are going to do something that might be painful like give you a needle or remove staples.

So I wanted to know more about what to expect with the upcoming biopsy. I wanted to know how the procedure is performed, how long it takes and first hand accounts of the experience.  So I went to the internet.  Interestingly studies have been done on whether or not the internet is a problem for physicians. Turns out that patients look up illnesses online to become better informed, not because they don’t trust their doctors.

And now I think I have made a faux-pas. I came across so many accounts of how horribly painful this procedure is that I got myself worked into a state. Some guys were like, “no big deal” others were like,” I will never do it without a local anesthetic again!” Anyway I called the doctors office and strongly recommended the use of a local anesthetic, to which they said, they’d see.

I sort of feel bad, it shows a lack of faith on my part.  The doctor said it would be okay, I should trust him.


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