Steve Jobs missed his chance to make a lasting impression

Steve Jobs wasn’t a great man.  Hell I’m not even sure he was a good man.  There is no denying his business acumen.  On that account he was a genius, but as Uncle Ben once said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Steve Jobs created some amazing products, along the way developed a fan-base following that borders on a religion. His affect on Western society cannot be denied. But western society represents the 1%, it represents the wealthy who can afford Job’s over-priced products.

What else did he do?

Apple fan boys like to poo-poo Bill Gates and Microsoft likening him to the Devil, however with his enormous wealth Bill Gates has devotes a billion dollars to the eradication of AIDS. He is one of the world’s largest philanthropists. Jobs and Apple have made no such largess.

Now, one could easily point out that I am no Steve Jobs and who am I to criticize his actions but I would like to believe that if presented with the wealth, loyal following and power that Jobs had I would be much more apt to make a more lasting impression.

I mean in 15 years, when no one uses MP3s anymore what will be remembered about Steve Jobs.  If you doubt what I mean, or misunderstand. Consider this, Carnegie, Rockerfeller, J. Paul Getty and other great industrialist are not remembered for pumping oil, or building a railway, they are remembered for their philanthropy.  For the public buildings they constructed, the foundations they set up and the millions of people they helped.  Without great acts no one is remembered.

iPhones will give way to newer, better devices, iPods will pass the way of the walkman.  In the end, Jobs missed his chance to make a truly lasting impression.

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