Month: <span>November 2007</span>

Hello? Common sense?

A girl in Winnipeg was banned from a Judo tournament for wearing a headscarf. While I have had enough of this politically correct bullshit, a little common sense could have avoided this issue. Now in this case, judo has not forbidden wearing headscarves. Shirin Farag, the girl’s coach has worn …

Voice your anger!

Please write to your local Member of Parliament, as well as YVR, the Prime Minister, the Premier, and RCMP Headquarters. Addresses are as follows: The Honourable Gordon Campbell, Premier PO Box 9041 STN PROV GOVT Victoria BC V8W 9E1 Vancouver Mayor’s Office Third Floor, City Hall 453 West 12th Avenue …

Crazy good site.

My co-worker Tim just shared this with me. It is a modern rendition of the wizard of Oz. All I can say is “WOW” that is some creazy flash work. Use the slider in the top left to zoom in and out. Make sure to watch some of the videos …

The fight for democracy…for whatever that is worth.

Pakistan is in the throws of a democratic upheaval. The military coup which has been in power for years is now promising to allow elections, but arresting opposition members. Benazir Bhutto has started to rally opposition in a coordinated movement with a single rallying point, the restoration of democracy. Meanwhile …

A rock and a hard place.

Yahoo is getting slammed right now for giving up the name of a dissident who sent a memo warning journalists to not write about the Tiananmen Square anniversary. Shi Tao was jailed for 10 years for his pro-democracy efforts when Yahoo lawfully passed along his activity information to Chinese Authrorities. …