Yet another tasering incident.

So if a police officer is writing you a ticket and you drive away, do you need to pay the ticket? I mean in reality you never received the ticket so I would assume “no”.

However a guy in Kelowna, John Peters, drives away from an officer who was writing a ticket and stupidly stops a block away, apparently feeling guilty about it (keep in mind this guy is a newspaper delivery guy and 68 years old).

The police officer catches up and tasers him twice.

John is now being charges with resisting arrest, obstruction and assaulting a police officer.

Now there must be more to the story. I can see obstruction, it is a bit of a stretch but I can see how driving away from a ticket might be considered obstruction, but the other two charges are totally bogus and obviously intended to intimidate Mr. Peters into being quiet.

I wish the media could dig a little deeper into the story. Its the internet for crying out loud, not newsprint, its not like they’re going to run out of room.

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