The business of art

I came across an article in my news feed from regarding artist’s contracts and resale royalties. In it it describes how an artist added a clause to the sale of his art that stated royalties were to be paid to a charity if the work was resold. It also …

Another botched restoration

So another “masterpiece” was restored by an amateur and ruined. I wrote about Elias Garcia’s “Ecce Homo” in a previous post. This time a copy of the “The Immaculate Conception of El Escorial” by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo was cleaned by a furniture restorer. “Ottomans, chaise, masterpieces, whatever! We do it …

The need to riot

“A riot is the language of the unheard.” ~Martin Luther King America is in the middle of a very painful transition. Growth of any kind is painful. And it isn’t the change itself that causes the pain, but rather the resistance to change. While it is easy and understandable to …


So you ever feel like you were meant to do something but you missed the opportunity. Or that you are too old to achieve something? I am struggling with this feeling right now. I feel like I am too old to do some of things I wish I had done. …