Year: <span>2012</span>

Weight loss is hard

Losing weight is a struggle and I have struggled with it most of my life. I inherited my endomorphism from my mom’s side of the family.  My Dad can eat almost anything he wants and doesn’t seem to gain weight. I on the other hand have to count calories.  As …

Mental Health and the National Discourse

In North America, unless you’ve been under a rock you’ve been inundated with news about the tragedy in Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut.  As is common after these tragedies people try to find a reason, they attempt to make sense of the insensible. There are talks of gun restrictions …

So now what?

Now that the hubub over Rob Ford is dying down Toronto needs to start thinking about what happens next. Rob mentions he will fight the ruling “tooth and nail”. He has also mentioned he will try to run in a by-election, although the city lawyer believes he may not be …