More religious idiocy.

Gillian Gibbons, a teacher in the Sudan was arrested for having a teddy bear with the name Mohammad on it. Officials think she might be insulting Islam by naming her teddy bear after the prophet.

How retarded is that? So what if she named it Mohammad. I can think of at least a dozen people named Mohammad that the bear could have been named after, not to mention the fact that she had her class of 7 year olds name the bear!

They obviously named the bear after someone they knew was important. They probably don’t grasp why he is important but naming the bear is a sign of respect.

If anything happens to Ms. Gibbons I hope all the charity, aid agencies, foreign government and dignitaries leave the Sudan in protest.


Gillian Gibbons

Here is a picture of Gillian Gibbons. Have you ever seen a more kindly face? Turns out those Muslim barbarians are now talking about having her whipped!

CNN reports “If the intentions are good, definitely she will be absolved and will be cautioned not to repeat this thing again,” Mutrif Siddig, Sudan’s under secretary for foreign affairs, said. How about…touch her and we kick every Muslim immigrant out of the of the UK. Your religion is an affront to common sense and common decency. As long as we give way to this sort of religious nonsense this sort of stupidity will continue.

Is the Islamic faith so fragile that children naming a teddy bear should cause such a commotion?

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