What about future Toronto

Rob Ford is spouting a new soundbite, “saved a billion dollars”.  Anyone who bothers to look at the numbers will quickly see that isn’t true, and even if it was true he’s selling Toronto’s future short.  I could tell Torontonians, “Elect me and you will not pay another cent of …

New Year

I had this lengthy rant about some bad service I got in a restaurant at brunch over the Christmas holiday’s with my family.  It compared it to a great experience we had, also for brunch.  I had photos of the dishes and everything but  then I realized that posting it …

learned something new

I love learning and I just learned something new today I thought I would share.  It’s called Benford’s law and it has to do with mathematics.  Don’t worry, it’s not hard. Isn’t that awesome?!! You’re probably thinking, “nice going dork, that is totally complicated.”  You’re right it is.  I can’t read …

Don’t waste your effort

Shoppers sent me this email with the headline: “Shoppers Optimum PLUS Bonus Offers – Just for you!” The problem is, it isn’t just for me.  It has nothing to do with me.  I have never bought cosmetics in my fucking life.  Nor is it personalized in any way.  There is …

One day…

One day I will… Have a solo art show Be interviewed on TV Run for public office ride a bike in France walk barefoot in the Sahara remember the good ol’ days wonder where the time went