Alone again.

Well in the morning Justine and I seperated and I rode alone. It was stupid of me because while Justine doesn’t ride as fast, she is willing to ride a long time. So as it was we ended up in the same place anyway! At Pancake bay we met a …

Winnie the Pooh!

For those who don’t know “Winnie” was the name of a real bear in the London Zoo. She was puchased by Lieutenant Harry Colebourn in the town of White River, where I was staying. He named her Winnipeg, after his hometown and she was called “Winnie” for short. Colebourn gave …

The crash.

This morning I left Nipigon late. I didn’t even wake up until 7:15 which is late for me. The hills here are really tiring and so I have had to reign in my ambitions of setting any new world’s records for time trials. The good news is that the scenery …