Local Politics & Democracy

I don’t normally get too excited about politics.  Ya, it sucks when some elected official absconds with a million dollars or some boondoggle like the G20 blows a billion dollars but so what, “it’s only money“.

I can handle the false apologies, the broken promises and general corruption that is generally associated with politics.  (See the boardwalk pub deal)

Recently city councilor Sandra Bussin set forth a motion to make the Geoff and Melissa Teehan’s property a heritage building stating that “Anybody in the ward would have had an inkling that there may be an issue about the value, he [Geoff Teehan] did make an inquiry somewhere, but not to the city and not me.”  (It seems she is upset that he didn’t first ask permission from the “almighty” city councilor, if he could remodel his own house!)

But I can  handle the big ego.

This is despite Geoff checking with the heritage society first (which would seem like due diligence), which did not label 204 Beech a heritage home.  (I have a house build in 1925, perhaps I should check with Ms. Bussin if my house is heritage too!) The heritage society had obviously visited the area. They had already made four houses on Beech Avenue heritage homes, so it’s not like they weren’t aware of the houses in the neighborhood.  Why didn’t they just designate the whole are a “heritage zone”.

I can handle the negligence and absent -mindedness.

No, the part that pisses me off is when presented with the possibility of a petition to save or rebuild the property she stated,  “It’s inconsequential to the issue, I could drive by, or another person could drive by and say, ‘I’d like to have that property reviewed,’ which I have done in the past. You don’t need a petition, you don’t need a call from a constituent. It’s usually when a property is being sold and its value comes to light.”

What the fuck is wrong with this city? If I get a petition together it is “inconsequential” but Sandra Bussin has the power to commission the assessment of someone’s property without their knowledge, consent, or a mandate from the people to do so?  Where is the democracy in that?  The whole thing smacks of hubris.

And what does she mean by, “…I could drive by or another person…”  Does that mean a spiteful neighbor could have my home declared heritage just to screw me? (Oh wait someone is already doing that to the Teehan’s) Could I have Ms. Bussin house designated a heritage home?  Could traditionalists  just run around the city putting an end to all development forcing everyone to live in out-dated, inefficient, and beastly old monstrosities because they don’t feel modern architecture is “right”. It boggles the mind.

If Mr. Teehan’s home was even a candidate for heritage status then that should have been very clear when he purchased the property.  If, God forbid,  Ms. Bussin gets her way I hope the Teehan’s sue ward 32 for discrimination against the handicapped and paint 204 Beech lime green.

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