
So I changed my MSN name to “performing thoughtcrimes so you don’t have to” and my co-worker asked what a thoughtcrime was. I knew it from George Orwell’s novel “1984”, in which the government not only tries to control the people, but control what they think. The wikipedia article on thoughtcrime is very interesting.

It in turn lead me to penile plethysmograph. That is one of the dangerous things about Wiki’s you never know where you are going to end up. Anyway I came to this interesting section on Canada.

Use of PPG followed in the wake of the “fruit machine,” a slang term for another device developed in Canada in the 1950s and 1960s as part of a Royal Canadian Mounted Police campaign involving the identification and dismissal of every gay person in the employ of the public service.

What the hell is my government thinking?!! Yes I realize it was twenty years before I was even born but shit like this just enrages me. The RCMP should be dismantled. They obviously can’t handle, and never could handle, the power and authority we have invested in them.

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